Looking for Pilates in Ichigao?Pilates is a Mind-Body method of exercise that was developed by Joseph Pilates.The Pilates method is a safe, low impact and highly effective way to strengthen, stretch and streamline your body. The specialized equipments and the unique exercises are designed to help you develop optimal strength, flexibility, posture and balance without building bulk or stressing joints,which makes it the perfect complement to cardiovascular exercise, athletic training or rehabilitation.
business hour
(reservation required)
(Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)
(Trial Session)
Introductory Session (60min) 6,000yen
Special Introductory Series 3
(60min×3) 15,000yen
Single Session (60min) 8,800yen(inc.tax)
Monthly system
2 Sessions/ Month
3 Sessions/Month
4 Sessions/Month
32, 000yen(inc.tax)
- We accept cash,paypay,
- Rakuten pay +premium style.